Phone: 724-456-9278
Email: lauramcelhinny@gmail.com
Providing teletherapy to all clients living in Pennsylvania

EMDR is an extremely effective therapy but it can seem very overwhelming to the therapist and clients issues don't always seem to follow along with our learned protocol. Consultation is not only needed in order to attain the status of being an EMDR trained or certified therapist but consultation gives you the opportunity to continue to learn and stay on top of the latest updates coming out of EMDRIA. Consultation gives you the ability to connect with other therapists who are building their confidence in the Adaptive Information Processing Model. You will be able to explore this therapy as it relates to different populations and share in the excitement of each others successes.
Consultation is required throughout a therapists advancement in EMDR Therapy. A therapist must receive consultation by an Approved EMDR Consultant after EMDR Trainings I & II in order to be called an EMDR TRAINED therapist. If you choose to advance as an EMDR therapist, you will need a minimum of 20 hours of consultation by an Approved EMDR Consultant post-training to become an EMDR Certified Therapist. And if becoming a Consultant is calling your name at least 20 more hours of consultation by an Approvided EMDR Consultant is required. Don't let these numbers overwhelm you. The journey is not always smooth at times but with the help and encouragement of your consultant and the groups you participate with you will find these hours so rewarding!
Lets Consult!!
I am a Certified EMDR Therapist and an Approvided EMDR Consultant through EMDRIA. I specialize in perinatal and postpartum disorders, motherhood, complex trauma, PTSD, abuse, relationship and parenting issues.
(According to the EMDRIA website) Consultation focuses on the mastery and integration of standard EMDR therapy in practice. The consultant values the integrity and independence of the consultee. The consultant and consultee are expected to operate within the ethical standards and scope of practice of their respective professional licenses.
The intended purpose of consultation is for the consultant to provide guidance and feedback to the consultee regarding their use of standard EMDR therapy with clients.
Consultation is not supervision. The consultee maintains full responsibility and autonomy for the decisions involving their clients’ treatment. The consultant provides feedback on the consultee’s implementation of standard EMDR therapy and is not directive with client treatment.
The consultant’s primary responsibility is to evaluate the consultee’s ability to implement the standard EMDR therapy’s eight phase protocol, three-pronged approach. The consultee should also demonstrate an awareness of situations in which modifications to standard EMDR therapy are necessary in order to safely and effectively treat the client.
If there are concerns about the consultee’s ability, the consultant is responsible for communicating those concerns as early as possible during the consultation process so that appropriate corrective measures can be taken by the consultee.
I offer bi-monthly zoom groups at $35 for one hour the first and third Tuesday of the each month at 8am. Please text or call me at 724-456-9278 to schedule with one of the groups. First come, first serve. You can follow my EMDR Group Schedule on Facebook by joining my private group EMDR Perinatal and Postpartum Consulting Invoices will be sent via the Square along with an email sent as proof of consultation for your documentation purposes.
Individual consultation can can be scheduled by calling or texting me at
724-456-9278. Rates are $55 an hour session or 5 sessions for $250. Invoices will be sent via the Square along with an email sent as proof of consultation for your documentation purposes.