Phone: 724-456-9278
Email: lauramcelhinny@gmail.com
Providing teletherapy to all clients living in Pennsylvania

Therapy is an amazing tool to help you feel more centered in your everyday no matter the crazy chaos it may be filled with!!

Hello you wonderful Mom-to-Be, New Mom, Experienced Mom! I am very excited that you are visiting my website and are thinking about teletherapy with me! It's super easy to get started. Call or text me at -- 724-456-9278 to easily get started on your teletherapy journey.
Therapy can often be a big step for a person to take and I admire that you are taking the time to explore it for yourself. As a Mom of four, wife and therapist I appreciate that time is sacred and we often feel as if we don't have enough of it and I can appreciate that one of the biggest barriers people have is that we are taking what little time we do have to "work on ourselves". That can feel selfish and a lot of times we are conflicted about it because we feel we are doing an "ok" job of keeping our act together. With that in mind, let me tell you a little bit about the therapy I provide and hopefully you will be more confident in the idea of working with me to feel really good about yourself and your life. After reading through how I approach therapy, please check out the worksheets and links I provided for more information on feeling your best.
We live in a world of motivation and self-improvement. I am sure when you checked out your social media this morning at least one of your friends posted an inspirational quote. Positive thinking and self-care techniques abound in our society. Don't get me wrong they are always helpful but too often it is't the "KNOWING" how to do all the right things (i.e. eat healthy, get 8 hours of sleep regularly, drink enough water, etc,..) that gets in our way. It's the way we FEEL and VIEW ourselves no matter if we have been doing all the right things for the last year or we just decided yesterday to get off the couch and put the chip bag down.
This is where therapy comes in to play. Often times even though we KNOW what to do and may be DOING IT we are still struggling with feeling like we are:
Worthless or undeserving
A failure
Not doing a good enough job
Not doing enough in our lives
Losing control of our lives or always on the verge of losing control
When we FEEL and THINK this way about ourselves it gets very hard to ever feel truly at peace and content. And then often times we play the guilt game with ourselves...."I should be appreciative of what I have", "I should be happier!" and on top of our negative internal dialogue with throw a nice pile of guilt!
As an EMDR Certified Therapist with almost a decade of applying the therapy with hundreds of clients I will help you identify the driving negative beliefs and thought patterns that keep you from feeling and thinking better of yourself and your life. EMDR is a scientifically evidence-based short-term therapeutic treatment.
Whether you are at the top of your game in life, but still struggling with how you think and feel about yourself on a daily basis or you are really struggling with depression, anxiety, OCD, an eating disorder or a significant mood or thought disorder or a real significant life event such as trauma or feeling extremely overwhelmed in your life we will work together to help you truly feel healthy.